Thursday, July 20, 2017

Some Golfing Tricks for a Better Gameplay

Playing golf is your passion and you consider yourself a great golfer on the courses. But don’t you want to make your games better and better? You may be good in swings or take good long shots. But what if you aim to better your strokes with time? What if you want to be the best swing taker? Like all other true sportsmen, a real golfer will never consider himself/herself the best in the field. Even if he knows he is a tough competitor for his contemporaries, he will attempt to learn all those tricks and strategies that can make him a better golfer in the coming days.

Now, whether you have won several championships or you have been playing on the courses for quite some time, here are a few smart tricks that would certainly help you understand the game better. Have a look:

  • Make sure that the club face is aligned – You might not be an amateur, or if you are one, you must not repeat the mistake of making an improper alignment. This leads golfers to take bad shots. So where they go wrong is they align their feet right at where the target is. This is absolutely wrong. The correct thing is to properly assess your target and this must be done from behind the ball. Another thing is to ensure that the clubface is set behind the golf ball and directly aligned with the target.

  • Check whether you have the right club – You might have practiced with different clubs on the courses. But when a serious game comes, you need to be choosy with the club. Unless you are getting the right club in hand, you cannot be a great golfer. Moreover, certain clubs are used for certain aspects on the grounds. For instance, longer clubs are best to use for longer holes. Likewise, shorter clubs are best for shorter holes. However, you can always talk to a golf instructor or some of your expert friends who would be able to guide you in choosing the right type of club.

  • Don’t be confused with your position – Being a golfer, you might assume that the changing of your position largely depends on the club. Well, it’s not true. If you go for full shots, you must have to maintain a consistent stance that would actually help you strike the ball correctly. Make sure that you are standing correctly over the iron with your target fixed so that it creates no obstruction to take the shot.

  • Get the grip solid – This matters a lot, especially for golfers who want to do better with every game. So, being a good golfer, you must first learn to grip the club with the hand wearing gloves. Keep stressing on the placement of the handle in the fingers in between the palm and the knuckles. Once done, use the ungloved hand so as to wrap it effortlessly around the handle. The index fingers of both the hands as well as the thumb will give rise to two Vs. Now, both of these should point either towards your right shoulder or your right chest.

  • Go with the wind and play – There are many amateurs who make the mistake of playing golf against the wind. So, if you aim to play golf against the wind, you are certainly not going to be a better golfer. To keep it simpler, a smart golfer would always consider the wind to be the ultimate factor in determining the course of his/her shot. Whatever type of shot it is, the course of wind will change its direction.

  • Allow Breaks to come while you play – If you are experienced on the courses, you will know that it is useless to judge the break and speed of a putt in case you end up missing on the hole’s lower side. This would gradually diminish your chances and your game will keep receding. It’s natural that golf balls do not roll upwards until the putt is hit up the hill from below the hole. However, the ball will actually find the hole if you keep missing on the hole’s upper side. So, the catch here is speed and not direction. With an accurate speed, if you can keep your aim a little high, the ball will consequently slow down and start breaking into the hole.

 So, you just need to keep these tips and suggestions in mind and your gaming strategies will surely take an upper edge.

Happy Golfing!

The post Some Golfing Tricks for a Better Gameplay appeared first on Top Golf Rangefinders.

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